I fall into depression very easily. I'm taking webutrin and 5-htp. The 5-htp gives me the good feeling I need but I still lack energy. I feel I lost that spark in life that gets me to get up and go...to seize the day. I should be happy and energized when I wake up, but to be honest, morning times are the worst times for me. In this world, I feel very lonely. I debate in my mind that maybe instead of stopping opiates, I can do 2mg of suboxone indefinitely, and then do heroin once a week. I do not think like this because I want to fall back into that lifestyle that left me lonely, depressed, and shattered (emotionally, physically, and spiritually). I just get a reprieve from feeling miserable to feeling good when I do use.

I do not want to do this and I am hoping I do not do this. This is a terrible idea. I did quit dope and all drugs...no suboxone, for 6 months, but then I relapsed because I dated someone in rehab. Now my plan is to be off suboxone and fight like hell with the urges. I can smoke pot, but pot makes me very tired and I'm already a chill person to begin with, pot is just overkill. Occasionally, I do like to smoke bud and go see a movie or go to the museum but those days are few and far between. Another thing I do not like about meeting is that if I express to people that I occasionally smoke and drink, then they make me feel like a failure because I'm not adhering to the lifestyle of abstinence from everything.
I do like the benefits of meetings though because I hear my own life and struggles through other people, so in that way, I will continue to go to meetings every now and then. I always thought that I need someone or something in my life to give it meaning and happiness. I wait for that day that is never today, its always tomorrow. Its devastating when you feel alone, lonely, and depressed in this world. All I ever wanted was someone to love and a good career. I see happiness and love in other people's lives but its so devoid from my own life, that I begin to pity myself.
Maybe I'm just going to end up dead anyway. If I am to be lonely, sad, and depressed, then why not continue to be a drug addict. I slipped into this lifestyle because the world rejected me. And now that I am clean from opiate use, I am too eccentric for people. I never fit in anyway. In that way, I do not think all the anti-depressants can change that. Sometimes I wonder why I even continue a blog like this. Its stupid, it doesn't help people, I selfishly use it for myself to chronicle how fucked up my mind is and how I pity myself.
If I die from using, it will be a testament I'll leave for anyone around who still cares. But I'm going to snap out of it. Emotions come and go...I'm going to ride out this shitty feeling. I am going to taper off and jump off suboxone and make an attempt to live a good, hard working life. In the back of my mind, I know that I always have the option of using heroin again, but at this point, that decision will be the end of me, so i will hold off as much as possible. I just want to be happy, be loved, and love someone.
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